Saturday, December 12, 2009

17. Francisco Scaramanga

Evil deeds: Francisco Scaramanga (Christopher Lee) is the sharpshooting antagonist in the Man With the Golden Gun. The million dollar hitman with the third nipple's main plan is to test his assassin skills against the well respected assassin, James Bond. Scaramanga also kills a British scientist in possession of a breakthrough invention in the field of solar energy, which Scaramanga confiscates to use with his own solar innovations. Scaramanga kills his mistress for sleeping with Bond. His ability to kill anyone, anywhere, at anytime as the world's best assassin makes Scaramanga a threatening villain who posed one of Bond's toughest obstacles to overcome.

Hurting His Cause: Scaramanga has way too much respect for James Bond. When he shows Bond his island, he does so, not in the triumphant way that most Bond villains boast about their headquarted, Scaramanga gives Bond a tour of private the Island the way an elementary school child shows a new friend, over to his house for the first time, his belongings as way to try and befriend this person. His solar powered scheme has Scaramanga lacking in comparison to those Bond baddies hell bent on world domination.

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