Friday, October 30, 2009

3. Jaws

One major flaw with horror films today is that elite directors rarely direct them. Speilberg directed the best modern era monster horror movie in Jaws. The fact that you don't see the shark until half way through the film makes you imagine its size for the first hour. Then the first appearance of the shark is so subtle, yet scary because it was when it was you least expected to see it. Perfect framing allowed you to see Roy Scheider's, Chief Brody whining about chuming and the shark pop out of the water. Scheider's reaction is perfect as he bolts up in fear and retreats into the boat and tells Quint they need a bigger boat to take down this monster shark. Jaws sparked a fear of the ocean and unlike most horror movies it takes a real monster and only shows you its potential. The Ocean is so deep and we have explored so little of it, that it is not difficult to fathom a 25-foot great white shark is somewhere out there waiting to prey on helpless drunk skinny dippers.

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